My problems with the foot would not end, so I decided to sign me but at Chrigu. The previous diagnosis: a sliver of cartilage had glöst at break jammed in the joint. On 14 June is discussed, when will operate as and where.
addition to this horror story, I experienced in the last two weeks jodoch and fantastic things. Since I currently can not really exercise sensible I fill the time with new experiences. I took a kayaking course and completed a week later the same nor the Rescue 3 Training (rescue and recovery in whitewater).
the kayak I was fascinated from the first minute. The sense of the currents, the boat, the pressure on the paddle and the movement appealed to me. The water level in the Rhine and the weather on Pentecost were perfeckt and I learned a lot. This sport is so much fun and action combined with technology, thinking and cool feeling, like nothing I've experienced so far except the ski orienteering ;-). In these days on the water I could forget off much and especially exciting and new learning.
have this in mind and enjoys the summer Ahoj