early July (10-11) invited us to beautiful Gesäuseberge for a walk. The Almrausch I0 imminent, not what you're thinking, but two days of hiking in the face of Gr.Buchsteins.
heavy loaded we made our way from Gsatterboden direction Ennstaler hut right in the middle of our top goals was. At first through meadows and woods, higher and higher until we reached the hut in the late morning.
just right to sit around a bit in the sun and recharge your batteries for the hot afternoon, which took us from the devil to climb the Tieflimauer and back to the hut.
is a short climbing, but it has to be during the summer, we climbed up to the difficulty of "C" rated up devil gate. Soon we were top of the Tiflimauer where we had a great view of our tour tomorrow Tamischbachturm the target.
time again to enjoy the sun and to permit a good snack. may sit on missing part can not get enough of the landscape, we took photos and were lying in the sun before it went back again on the normal route, direction Ennstaler hut.
Back in the gabs hut to eat good home cooking and to admire a beautiful sunset.
early morning we set out to use every ray of sunshine to return goods on the way as expected again little shady trees. Our way we could see it well the day before meandering direction directly from the cottage Tamischbachturm up to 2035m up.
From the top we went downhill and so it was that our route took us down to Hieflau.
An apparently little-used path steeply downhill to where we were below the delicious raspberries us to descend highly sweetened.
It was a long way and we were very happy when we were back in the valley because he had an ingenious cooling waiting for us. The Enns, cool water on such a hot day just right for us.
A really cool accounts for a great tour with casual people in the mountains Gesäuse!