Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Thalamic Lacunar Infarction

Round Table is organized

is now all in the bag: Next Saturday will be first the Waltons at 12.00 clock in Tasmania Meiderich 9 Gameday complete. Then we go to council, where the current second-placed Grasshoppers perfect received at 16.00 clock. Simultaneously, also the agent of meeting SG09 - Gnomatic Giants in the game and Erkrather Lohrheide Tasmania Meiderich - Babylon 5 in the north of Duisburg.
Once the decisions have been made (see analysis below), start the party in the Old Town. It is likely that the Munich and its Wattenscheider - provisional? - Give strike.
Very curious is it in fan circles, as it continues with the remaining 4 teams. If a slimmed-league game operation carried out, they'll agree on a transitional time in a tournament mode or is there at the end even more dropouts? The Saturday night is certainly not boring ....


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