this past weekend (23./24.Io.Io .), we wanted to conclude by once on the high Schwab and a try for us to some new route. there with 26.Io. the Schiestel house zusperrt, it was also the last opportunity to stay up.
we started so by car after Kapfenberg, were up in the bus and left us on the Seebergsattel chauffeur. already on the snow patches seebergsatterl we see the first one. has economic warned us: up to 20cm snow and we should expect more an hour walking time. But we know better, of course, has yet determined exaggerated, so is every net greenhorn with such weather on the mountain. ha!
a propos with such a weather? we need not take seriously the warning that was already in the weather. let's go! come up
the further we, the larger the snow patches, the drier the snow and the colder the air. tree line above the whistling of the wind and the bronchi burn respond to the unusual temperature irritated with one. soon becomes clear - the economic is not excessive. rather an understatement, we usually trudge up to the calves through the powdery snow. a ski trip, only missing the ski. to our luck went the way to go even someone with snow-shoes. had the following advantages: we had so not looking for the mark and the snow tracks was not so strenuous.
half hour we ascended the first well-made, is used up quickly. the fact is stapferei strenuous!
still robs not only the effort to breath, but also the unexpected winter magic. all alone in the pristine white, silent landscape that has something! we saw many animal tracks in the snow like a chamois and ptarmigan. photographic evidence searchable images:
just before the trail leads Schiestlhaus our lonely path in the the count on the sidewalk coming up meran and tens of nature lovers before us have leveled in a real freeway. a joyful surprise. I must confess, is the date on which my mood was already something in the cellar. 3. basement. my head has knocked the wind-caused and hurt that I've really started to doubt what to look for a rational human being in such an environment. is the answer for example:
or (next morning):
then it's off a lot more comfortable than the day before: he is drifting through snow so deep and not a path to Häuslalm is done well. we are moving too fast on it and return to the Häuslalm an even a coffee, so we're not too early are in the sonnschienalm. where we want to meet other fact that the actual seasonal financial statements - make immigration on the same stone. still, we were earlier in the cottage and Sunday seemed like to eat while away the time better than? schweinsbratl one must be found. said than done, fought. with the natural capacity of my stomach. gschmeckt's has won. The descent from the parking space in sonnschienalm jassing was a little painful abdomen with strong sunshine. and the ride on board a minibus from jassing back to Kapfenberg we all need to focus right. how can you be the only way to eat!
at this point must be said again that - eco-idea or not - the journey to the mountain in with public transportation just disproportionately inconvenient and expensive, and it is not even on weekends most of the connections to find VER nünftign times. for the 33 km stretch Kapfenberg - Seebergsattel example we have berappt € 7.50. per person and we were fourth and from the jassinggraben on sunday so we are back out here because we rest us at the cottage with the sun seemed to have taken our section, and then, fortunately, even someone have known who has gone directly to Kapfenberg and has taken us. because the öffi-bus, which according to i-net from the green and see sonntagabend wrong moves, but if you call before 3 hours there. such detailed information but have only local or long-suffering's then learns directly from the bus stop.
anyway, this past weekend was again a great mountain experience!
... baba and until next time
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