Monday, December 13, 2010

Free Fluid In Pouch Of Douglas After Ultrasound


Aufg'fellt 2010 - An experience!

After weeks of impatient waiting on snow was to come: time for the beginner ski course was the winter swept through the Upper Styria! In deep winter conditions we set out on Saturday, 11.12. full of expectation on our first ski tour to the north (Turnau) on.

course we were already trained on Wednesday before a detailed briefing of our three instructors, Jochen, Gerald and Manni in avalanche awareness and learned about the vital know Stop or Go rules. In addition, we have the necessary points of a trip planning are explained and together we prepared ourselves for the coming weekend. After were all participants with the necessary equipment (avalanche beacon, shovel, probe, bivouac sack, of course, ski equipment, furs, etc.) supplies, was our plan the mountains with their skis to do more to conquer in the way.

So we drove on Saturday in deep winter conditions to Greith at Turnau and went on his way to turn dollars Kogel (1610m). Since we were a motley crew of beginners with different experiences, and we first have to assess our ability, we went in This first tour in self-selected groups. I soon got used to the movements during Tourenskigehen as were the first altitude also made it so. So we have accomplished shortly after the start, the first beep test. Again and again we showed our professional attention to certain hazards, told us the opportunities we create and measure the slope with snow profiles. Always in the eye, of course we had to stop to keep the rules or Go!

reached after about 400 meters we Turnauer Alm (1385m) and barely half an hour later we were already on the turn Credits Kogel. The day's goal was achieved and we were able to Remove skins and exit at newly fallen snow depth for the first slope to the Turnauer Alm. After another deep snow slope we drove mostly on forest roads off to the parking lot. My first ski tour was done!

the evening, we ran a dinner at the events pass in review and looked forward to the next day. We were now able to assess our skills well themselves and shared into three groups. I decided as rookie for the "comfortable" group for the next day, a beautiful but not quite as ambitious tour to the Griesmoarkogel at Kalwang undertook. The ambitious group opted for the Great Schober and snowboarders group joined our tour.

The next day it was back to where, after we in the parking lot, of course, informed about the current avalanche report and our trips to be feasible considered, We started towards Kalwang.

This time the group started out from different starting points and the Mädlstruppe Jochen direction started around Beisteiner Alm (1640m) to climb and then possibly the Griesmoarkogel. Together with the snowboarders who denied the rise in snow shoes, we took turns at the leadership.

arrived at thickening snowfall we through snowy forest trails eventually Beisteiner on the mountain, where we then together with Jochen a snow profile created and led by Pieps exercises. Because of deteriorating weather conditions (fog, wind, heavy snow fall) we decided against a departure from the Liesingkar and jointly chose the safer exit via the forest. It showed us Jochen, that it can be fun to choose the departure time of a stroke. Thanks to this site!

After a great run over some neuverschneite slopes, we arrived safely at the exit point where we then also with the other groups met again.

A leisurely dinner, we exchanged our experiences and we were all immediately agreed that we can do even in perfect weather not great skiing. Snow and wind should not prevent one of them to enjoy together a fun-filled day in nature!


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