Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Funny Christmas Wishes Boss

on top - winter crossing of the High Dachstein


of the year changes should have a fine annual tour will start to say goodbye to the beautiful, varied and exciting mountain sports in 2010 worthy. And we were lucky: sunshine, calm, powder snow and untracked glacier a perfect day promised on the mountain.

The first steps of our Tour on the way to the entrance to the High Dachstein

We were all in the morning the Dachstein cable car to start at Hunerkogel our ski trip. Sunshine, little people and good conditions for climbing on the High Dachstein managed with us a very relaxed and happy atmosphere.

A short snow field in a small gully just below the summit cross at High Dachstein

What was to be expected, the peak cross thickly hung with snow - Memories of the just shortly past Christmas with a festively decorated Christmas tree have come up very quickly. And under this "summit-Christmas" was a gift from the untracked Hallstatt glacier in the sunlight before us. A beautiful gift's not easy for us!

The first milestone has been reached - Hoher Dachstein (2993 m)

The west ridge-climbing was still untracked, but the steel cables could be solved easily from the snow. The beautiful weather and especially the view of the closed cloud cover in the valley had imposed on us a very leisurely pace - there was no rush and the great day would be used. The atmosphere was very relaxed and all grinned descended to himself as we through the knee high snow on the roof of most western ridge of the Great Gosau glacier.

Descending from the High Dachstein via west ridge

Our cheers when entering the untracked powder slope you have hopefully heard at the summit cross, where there are some mountaineers romped and us (we hoped) observed envious eyes ...

powder without end and not a single track on the entire Great Gosau glacier

After we had taken the only tracks in the Great Gosau glacier, it was time for a leisurely snack break. In the sunshine, amid the stunning scenery of the bounding rock walls, we let us relax in the middle of a slope covered in snow and left our wonderful departure to reminisce.

was also relaxed and the pending resumption of the rise and exceeding the Steiner made saddle in attack. We were able to enjoy traveling slowly enough to realize the enchanting winter landscape. Again, we could put the first tracks and were relieved when we realized that the snow situation a safe climb through the Steiner saddle allowed.

crossing in the saddle Steiner

Back to the Hallstatt Glacier, we enjoyed a small, steep, and even to our delight untracked channel and a few meters at Hallstatt glacier. Aware, we had the climb to the tunnel again set a comfortable pace and came out into the dusk as we climbed through the tunnel towards Edelgrießkar.

there waiting for us still a breathtaking view into the cloud-shrouded valley before the last deep snow turns to the valley of the roof stone coated cable.

Evening along the south wall

exhausted but managed to happy with the conclusion of the mountain sports year 2010 was the closest guest house visited ...

Conclusion: The last day on the mountain in 2010, we had used properly represented, in essence, our entire mountain in 2010: beautiful, varied and exciting!


Regina Smejkal, Christian Knoll and Ingo Stefan

the Tour :

With the Dachstein cable car to the Hunerkogel (2685 m)>> rise to the high Dachstein (2993 m)>> descent via the west ridge to the Upper Wind gap (2746 m)>> exit the Great Gosau Glacier>> Ascent for Steiner saddle (2720 m)>> short descent to the Hallstatt Glacier>> climb to the tunnel Hunerkogel>> exit through the precious meal to the bottom station of the Dachstein cable car (1695 m)


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