Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sample Of A Proposal For A T.v Show

snow ride on the Schöckl, 28.II.Io

What's more beautiful than a snow drift in winter walk? the same with the wheel! match 1 Sunday of Advent we have a s ride on the snow, made Schöckel. discrepancies to initial time (half 11 is not equal to 11:30, roland eh?) we were on our way towards Stattegg and on the footpath in the book-length away and then the rest of the old toll road up. is it a bit of snow still Gelg friday and the middle of the long path then it has started to snow really.

the holder cottage we were all icicle fingers, from the toes and are close in the kachlofens thawed only slowly. but there is nothing gmütlicheres, snow drift than in the cottage to sit and a good teller to mush with soup in front of your nose!

motivate least strudel and vanilla together with the comforting en'd me very much and we have then also put up towards the summit. layers with 4 (including underwear and hard shell) and neoprene covers for the shoes was it feared not so cold as. or was the departure of the summit meadow Is action-packed, as is I have become quite hot anyway;) in the hour we are sitting in the holder cottage, it has viz snowed quite s Choen stuff on it in total's been so determined to warn d Located he 8cm FRISC powder since the a n the road are. and on the meadow and s pate then at the forest's was not much 'better'. enough snow to see the stones to no more and then it sliding properly on it. making snow's not too easy to pedal reinzufinden when are cleats zugeeist completely verpickt.
to powder one really has a whole new feel and sense of balance is very necessary!

fahrn down the warning tracks in snow from our drive up long ago , we managed grad's still the last remaining daylight in the city to come back. in the dusk with the many snowflakes we warn very clearly in the winter wonderland!

and so pleased you look for a snow ride despite the cold from the laundry. I can recommend any / m only from the heart! and the best for last - the winter bike season has just begun:)


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